Mohammed Farouq O
3 min readMar 6, 2022

Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” — John Allen Paulos


To some “uncertainty”

To others “Lack of confidence”

To me a step to “Self harm and torture”

As man when you have a woman you like

There are times you have this feeling

The urge to know everything she’s doing

The desire to know she has no other one but you

Woke one morning with my woman on the left side

Then I found myself in a hurricane of thoughts

So many questions running through my mind

Like how many male friends does she have ?Does she text any ?

Has she gone out with or is secretly seeing any?

Is she emotionally attached to any ?

What happens when I’m not with her ?

Does she get tapped from the back like I do her ?

Does she moan another man’s name like she does mine ?

The more I thought the deeper and scarier it became

Was like she gets all she needs what else does she want

As far as I’m concerned she wears the latest

I fuck her good, I give her quality time

So what more?

I said with a little noise

With reaction to the sound she moved a little

These questions kept on coming in like an open dam

The urge to pick up her phone came as well

The yearning for satisfaction to know she’s clean

The thirst for knowledge of the unknown

I got lost by her beautiful body sleeping next to me

Then it came again “Is she happy with me?” Or

Is she faking it?

Does she still love me?

I wasn’t. this worried till she got her new job

I mean I get home late and tired as well

I still want to please her

she’s been like “I’m tired” I think a week now

This last few questions held me at tight corners

I was like I know my baby “she’s never tired”

Always steadily boasting of tapping me out

But what changed, i , my, hands felt a little cold

Am I not her stallion anymore

Did I loose my horse power

I could sense the fear of betrayal

From my heavy chest

Still waiting for any sign to ease my mind

Still longing for that Relief that I was just tripping

Then she uttered from her sleep some gibberish

I could make up little

” I don’t want to go to work” she said

Was it planned ?

Was she aware of my troubled position

Or it was just a coincidence I asked myself

These words then came to me

What if? she loves only you

Cares for only you

Sees only you

Moans only your name

Sucks only your cock

What if? she was just too tired from work

She felt you’d understand as are days She did you

What if? Your are the only thing that keeps her sane

I felt disgust

If only humans could hear thoughts of others

How terrible and betrayed she’d be feeling right now.

I stood up to her side of the bed knelt by her

Kissed her forehead and said calmly “Forgive me”

About standing up

she already woke feeling my breath to hers

She pulled me softly to the bed and said

You need to eat this wet early morning coochie

Maybe then you’d grow a beard 😂😂😂

I love you I said.

So this piece was inspired by the male version of Luzick Diary Of An Insecure Lover & Zainab Balogun O. Dairy of An insecure lover. Thanks so much for this piece ❤️



Mohammed Farouq O

Poet, free verse writer, song writer. ❤️ Aries ♈️ 🥃🥃 free mind free sprite 🥃